architectural photography of black and brown hallway
architectural photography of black and brown hallway

À propos de Nous

Mayele Solutions est un prestataire de services de conseil international, avec des approches innovantes en gestion de projets pour nos clients dans les secteurs privé, sans but lucratif et public.

Actuellement basée aux États-Unis et en République démocratique du Congo, nous collaborons avec nos clients dans les domaines suivants :

  • Agriculture et Énergie Renouvelable (Micro-Grid) ;

  • Cartographie Système d'Information Géographique pour autonomiser les gouvernements locaux et les promoteurs immobiliers avec des données ;

  • Projets de développement immobilier ;

  • Projets de santé ;

  • Projets Fintech.

Notre mission

Pour aider nos clients à réaliser des améliorations innovantes, distinctives, durables et substantielles dans leur performance, tout en préservant l'intégrité de leur objectif de développement durable.

Nos Valeurs

  • Placer les intérêts du client avant ceux de notre entreprise ;

  • Maintenir des normes et des conditions élevées pour le service client ;

  • Observer des normes éthiques élevées ;

  • Préserver la confidentialité des clients ;

  • Gérer les ressources du client et de l'entreprise de manière rentable.

About Mayele Solution

Our founder

Lilo Maximillan realized that the world of data analysis was a hot mess while working for a big international corporation as an intern. Seeking to make it easier for companies worldwide to make sense of data, she set on a mission to change the world of data herself.

Our story

Lilo was initially just one woman with a laptop and a desire to make people understand data better, and make more informed choices in their daily life. Quickly, what was meant to be a side project grew into a viable business with a handful of employees. At first, Lilo's main focus was data analysis and visualization, but slowly the team grew and was able to focus more on projects requiring big data expertize.

Now, Lilo is working together with esteemed brand names to make sense of the mountains of data available to us in the digital sphere.

Mayele Solutions is an international advisory and consulting services provider, with innovative project management approaches for our clients in private, non profit, and public sectors.

Currently based in the USA and the D. R. Congo, we partner with our clients in the following fields:

  • Agriculture and Renewable Energy (Micro-Grid);

  • Geographic Information System Mapping to empower local governments and real estate developers with data;

  • Real Estate development projects;

  • HEALTH CARE projects;

  • Fintech projects.

Chez Mayele Solutions, nous combinons les stratégies de Private Equity et de Capital-Risque avec des services de conseil stratégique, permettant à nos clients d’accéder aux financements nécessaires pour une croissance évolutive.

En intégrant l’innovation aux écosystèmes financiers mondiaux, nous favorisons un développement durable et un impact à long terme.

white hospital bed near white wall
white hospital bed near white wall
a person reaching for an egg in a carton
a person reaching for an egg in a carton
black Android smartphone
black Android smartphone



Qualified employees

Not only is our team full of professionals – we're a fun bunch, too.

Projects delivered

Last year, we successfully completed over 100 individual projects worldwide.

Key industries

We have specialist experience in a handful of industries.


Who are we

Data Analysts

Our in-house data analysts have a hands-on approach to data, with heavy emphasis on clear communication with the client.

Data Engineers

All of our data engineers are Boston University graduates, and undergo our in-house developed training program upon joining the team.


Our designers have an extensive background in data analysis, and often work together with our other specialists on various projects.


All of our consultants have specialist experience in the field of data science, and aim to understand the data needs of your business.

Why choose us?

Global experience

We have worked with multinational companies, as well as smaller businesses from all continents.

We believe in your success and that big data can help you achieve the best results for your business, regardless of your field or target market.

Quality for value

Our motto is to provide only the highest quality to our clients, no matter the circumstances.

Favorable terms

Each project we work on is tailored to the particular client's exact needs, not the other way around.

High standards

We take data seriously, meaning that we only deliver work that we can be proud of.

Happy clients

Don't just take our word for it – our clients frequently stay in touch with us and work with us on future projects that require big data insights.

John Bjerrand

I work in agricultural consulting, meaning that we often need to use big and complex datasets to justify expensive investments for our clients. Lilo's consultants helped us see the big picture with their visualization tools and expertise.

Anna Claudio

As the in-house supplier manager, it's sometimes had to understand which manufacturers work best for our needs. Lilo's data analysis helped us identify where we could save and which manufacturers worked the best for us in the long term.

Contactez- nous

Que vous ayez une demande, une question ou que vous souhaitiez travailler avec nous, utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe.